How to Implement a Soil pH Maintenance Program

Neutralize Acidification from Nitrogen
As nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the form of ammonium and ammonia, they transform into nitrate leaving behind hydrogen, which acidifies the soil. The goal of a soil pH maintenance program is to apply enough 98G to neutralize that acidification.
Andrew Hoiberg, Ph.D. and VP of Research and Development explains how a grower and their agronomist can get started with a soil pH maintenance program and 98G.
1:1 Ratio of 98G and Nitrogen
In order to offset acidity from nitrogen fertilizer, we recommend growers and agronomists consider applying about 1 lb of 98G per 1 unit of nitrogen. This commonly results in a 98G application rate of 150-200 lbs/A every other year in a corn-soybean rotation.
Application timing of 98G is flexible. It can be applied fall or spring ahead of either corn or soybeans and can be blended with other dry fertilizers.