SO4 Increases Soybean Yield on Average 3.3 bu/A
Get the next few bushels from your soybean crop
A compilation of 30 trials shows SO4 pelletized gypsum yields an extra 3.3 bu/A vs no sulfur on soybeans. The average application rate was 100 lbs/A including spring pre-plant and early summer topdress applications.
Woolstock, IA soybean trial shows 4.0 bu/A increase
The application rate at the Woolstock, IA trial was 150 lbs/A topdressed in early July. The photo above shows where SO4 was spread in the field indicated by the strip of darker green soybeans.
Soybean yield benefits from sulfur and calcium
Sulfur is a vital nutrient for soybeans. As we continue to mine sulfur from the soil every year, soybeans show more widespread deficiency. SO4 has a positive impact on soybean yield because sulfur aids in protein synthesis, chlorophyll formation and the development of nitrogen-fixing nodules. It is especially effective on soybeans because it doesn’t contain nitrogen and won’t acidify the soil, both of which negatively affect nodulation.
SO4 includes calcium, which is used in plants for a variety of purposes, but is most concentrated in cell walls, helping plants resist pathogen attacks. Calcium is critical for proper soil structure and in certain scenarios can help improve physical soil properties.
SO4 application rates for soybeans can range from 75-150 lbs/A depending on organic matter, yield goal, grain removal rates, soil test sulfate values and historical site response.