Professional Turf
Improve Your Turf Game
Calcium Products pelletizes pure and effective calcium-based fertilizers that help maximize soil productivity, resulting in aesthetically pleasing and durable turfgrass.
Our products are manufactured to balance solubility and pellet strength. They can be broadcast on the surface of the turf, bare soil before seeding, or after aerification events to help with incorporation. The pellets flow well and spread evenly with very little dust.

Repair Sodic Soils With SO4
SO4 pelletized gypsum rapidly improves soil structure issues, including the repair of sodic soils, while optimizing turfgrass appearance and playability. It is manufactured from one of the purest sources of dihydrate gypsums in the world and pelletized into three different sizes for turfgrass applications.
Product Analysis
21% Calcium / 17% Sulfur
Available in three grade sizes:
- Standard SGN Average: 300
- Mini SGN Average: 120
- Micro SGN Average: 50

Correct & Maintain Your Turf’s Soil pH with 98G
When applied to the soil, 98G pelletized limestone dissolves and reacts quickly to correct soil pH and deliver 36% calcium without disrupting the appearance and playability of turfgrass. 98G is manufactured from 98% pure calcitic limestone that is ground to a fine powder before it is pelletized. This product can be used to correct an existing soil pH problem or proactively negate the acidifying effects from nitrogen fertilizer with a smaller maintenance application rate.
Product Analysis
36% Calcium / <0.5% Magnesium
Available in two grade sizes:
- Standard SGN Average: 300
- Mini SGN Average: 120
Get in Touch With a Turf Specialist
If you are looking to increase the durability and health of your turf, while maintaining its appearance, contact Alex Branderhorst, our turf specialist, to you to learn about what product will be the best fit for your turfgrass.
Our professional turf products are sold in 50-lb bags and one-ton totes in three grade sizes specifically for the professional turf industry.

Alex Branderhorst
Territory Sales Manager | Professional Turf |