Is 98G Renters Lime?

Yes, but not just renters lime
It is true that 98G pelletized limestone is a good fit on rented ground because of its rapid reactivity. Tenant growers can put in place a soil pH maintenance program that calls for lower application rates spread more frequently – 98G at 150-200 lbs/A every other year in a corn-soybean rotation. This approach results in a better return on investment than traditional liming practices, which is of interest to growers whether they rent or own ground.
Andrew shares why 98G isn’t just renters lime
Hear from Andrew Hoiberg, Ph.D. and VP of Research and Development, why 98G isn’t just renters lime and how 98G’s rapid and sustained reactivity benefits soil pH and crop yield.
98G is faster acting plus longer lasting
The idea that 98G is renters lime stems from the perception it is just a quick fix. Research from Iowa State University published in 2018 shows 98G is faster acting than aglime, but it also has a longer lasting effect.
98G’s reactivity characteristics combined with a proactive pH management approach of applying lower rates of 98G more frequently to offset acidity created by fertilizer will establish an environment for crops to reach their yield potential.
Pell-lime is pell-lime, right?
Wrong. Pell-lime is a general term and abbreviation used for pelletized limestone. The limestone used in 98G is a 98% pure calcitic limestone mined in northwest Iowa. Not only does 98G start with high quality raw materials, it is ground to an ultra-fine powder and then pelletized. Both the high-quality limestone and fine grind prior to pelletization contribute to 98G’s rapid and sustained reactivity.